Sarum Missal, 16th century
/Chapter Library volunteer Beverley Jacobs leafs through the 16th-century Sarum Missal, a remnant from the final days of the Priory Library.
Read MoreChapter Library volunteer Beverley Jacobs leafs through the 16th-century Sarum Missal, a remnant from the final days of the Priory Library.
Read MoreThe Rochester Bible is a richly decorated manuscript produced by the monks of St Andrew’s Priory, Rochester. Now part of the British Library’s Royal Collection, the manuscript is on loan to Rochester Cathedral and features in the Beauty and the Beasts exhibition in the Cathedral Crypt.
Read MoreDr Christopher Monk leaves through a volume of Bede’s second opera in the Chapter Library collection featuring two medieval manuscript paste-downs.
Read MoreLibrary volunteer Myra Amor explores the stories of three successive bishops of Rochester each accused of treason.
Read MoreThe Chapter Library and Cathedral collections features a number of painted and printed portraits of former bishops, deans and Cathedral clergy.
Read MoreThe Cathedral architecture has featured in photographs since the mid-19th century, opening fascinating windows onto previous forms and arrangements of the building and Precinct.
Read MoreRevd. Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff, author of Bertha’s Daughters, explores the life and work of Charlotte Boyd, one of the greatest benefactors to the Diocese of Rochester in modern times.
Read MoreThe fragments in this beautiful volume have been rebound and were presented to the Cathedral in 1921 as there are references to early Bishops and saints of Rochester Paulinus and Ithamar, as well as Bishop Romanus.
Read MoreThe care, conservation and investigation of Rochester Cathedral has been a project spanning decades. Follow links below to archive reports available on the Cathedral website, where available.
Read MoreLibrary volunteer Myra Amor introduces John Speed and his Theatre of the empire of Great-Britain and A prospect of the most famous parts of the World published in 1676.
Read MoreThe archives of the Dean & Chapter include a collection of early 18th-century stock and dividend receipts and accounts evidencing an extensive financial legacy from investments in two of the largest slave-trading companies in history.
Read MoreFacsimile and transcriptions of the baptism, marriage and burial registers of Rochester Cathedral.
Read MoreRochester Cathedral has featured in dozens of articles in the county archaeological journal Archaeologia Cantiana, now available on the Kent Archaeological Society website.
Read MoreBishop’s Chaplain Lindsay Llewellyn-MacDuff discusses the life and work of Isabella Gilmore and the genesis of the Deaconess Movement in the early 19th century.
Read MoreSarah Taylor has been working over the lockdown months to digitise the collection of handwritten medieval volumes in the Chapter Library.
Read More‘Black Boy’ can be found in the names of many UK pubs, roads and pathways. Rochester’s Black Boy Alley has an origin back in the years after the English Civil War.
Read MoreBeverley Jacobs leafs through the oldest volume in the Chapter Library dating to circa 1100 AD.
Read MoreRandolph Jones writes about a revolutionary time when the future and soul of the country hung in the balance.
Read MoreDr Jayne Wackett explores the tiny fifteenth-century Book of Hours.
Read MoreStuart Palmer, University of Kent, shares with us a mighty message.
Read MoreRochester Cathedral – a place of Christian worship since AD604. Located in the heart of Rochester on the banks of the River Medway in Kent.
Rochester Cathedral
The Chapter Office
Garth House, The Precinct
Kent, ME1 1SX
Telephone 01634 843366
Registered Charity Number 1206900
Cathedral Visiting House 10:00 -16:00 Monday to Saturday 13:00 - 15:00 Sunday