Annual Report and Accounts


Rochester Cathedral has sought witness to the love of God for over 1400 years. Here, down the centuries, the Christian faith has found expression through worship, prayer and service. We continue to participate in God's love for the world today through mission and purposeful engagement. This report covers a year of significant transition. A great deal has been achieved through the dedication and hard work of staff and volunteers. Our thanks go to them and to all those who love this Cathedral. We have seen the completion of the Hidden Treasures: Fresh Expressions project which has been so time consuming and now look forward to enjoying the benefits of a transformed crypt and library. We have welcomed new colleagues who have brought imagination and a different perspective. A new team takes time to establish itself as we re-adjust and form new relationships and friendships. Yet, already there is a strong sense of purpose and Chapter has produced a new Development Plan to help direct our path over the next five years.  Our new Plan seeks to enhance the Cathedral's desire to nurture human flourishing and become more Christ-like in our attitudes and daily living. The Chapter has identified five key areas which will be our main focus over the coming years and provide a springboard for future development and long term sustainability. 

The Development Plan recognises the importance the Cathedral plays in the lives of many people, of all faiths and of none, both as a historic landmark and as a holy place. It seeks to work alongside other partners and stakeholders in enabling the Cathedral to be a truly inclusive space which signposts the Kingdom of God. In the words of the psalmist here is a 'broad place where we may walk at liberty' and again, 'He brought me into a spacious place because He delighted in me'. In honouring its Benedictine roots, the Cathedral remains a 'hospitable space' which seeks to provide a safe place to encounter the 'other' through story, stones, silence, music, movement and prayer. As the poet T. S. Eliot wrote:

"We must be still and still moving
Into another intensity
For a further union, a deeper communion"

It is a huge privilege to be Dean at such a time of renewed energy in the life of the Cathedral. As we move forward we do so in the knowledge that others have trodden this way before and many will come after us. It is but a single moment in time. Yet, this is our time to make a difference and to share God's love with those whom we meet through word and action. May God bless those who visit this house and all who labour in His service.

The Very Reverend Dr Philip Hesketh AKC DL Dean of Rochester

Accounts and annual reports


Download the 2023 accounts here


Read the 2022 Annual Report here

Download the 2022 accounts here


Download the 2021 accounts here


To read the 2020 accounts, download it here


To read the 2019 accounts, download it here.


To read the 2018 Annual Report, download it here.

To read the 2018 accounts, download it here.

Constitution and statutes
