Who to contact in the Cathedral

Canon in Residence

07919 534 598

The Cathedral Safeguarding Lead

Canon Dr Gordon Giles

email: Gordon.Giles@rochestercathedral.org

The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer

Anthony Kiddle

email: safeguarding@rochestercathedral.org

Diocese of Rochester Safeguarding Team

If you wish to talk to someone on the Diocesan Safeguarding team call 01634 560 000, or find further details here.

Other useful numbers

  • If a child, young person or adult is in immediate need of protection the police should be called.

  • Social services in each local authority can also be contacted to advise on a safeguarding concern.

  • A list of helplines offering support on a range of issues can be found on the Church of England’s website at: www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding/reporting-abuse-and-finding-support

  • For victims of domestic abuse National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247