South Presbytery Pinnacle Project
/In 2018, £240,000 was raised to restore the pinnacle on the south side of the Presbytery, in danger of falling onto the Presbytery or the Chapter Library below.
Immense challenges are posed in accessing these portions of the building. The scaffold tower was raised over the Chapter Library and up the south side of the Presbytery.

Accessing the previous pinnacle and its replacement.
The pristine stonework of the replacement pinnacle on the south side contrasts with the surviving Scott-era pinnacle on the north side, giving an impression of how bright the Cathedral must have appeared in the thirteenth-century.
3D model of the replacement pinnacle. Aerial Imaging South East.

The previous Gilbert Scott-era pinnacle set within the gardens of Doddington Place.
Keeping the Cathedral standing, warm, lit, beautiful and ready to receive worshippers and visitors is a never-ending task.