The Trustees of The Rochester Cathedral Trust
Kate Fenwick DL
Chair of Trustees
“It is always very rewarding as a Trust to see our fundraising successes come to fruition.
Architect plans have been drawn up and the long awaited and eagerly anticipated Song School has now entered its first phase. The interior has recently been painted and we hope the Choristers will be able to move in after October half term. The lovely spacious light room will be hugely appreciated and enjoyed by Adrian Bawtree and his talented choirs before the next works begin.
The Cathedral Estates and Gardens continue to go from strength to strength with its creative planting and our Open Garden days during the summer were sold out. The outside toilets, kindly sponsored by Colyer Fergusson, are now built and near completion with the help of our enthusiastic volunteers from Mid Kent College. This will allow many visitors, educational and wellbeing projects to flourish.
Our supporters have enjoyed many highlights during the summer including a private tour by Ptolemy Dean of the Jubilee Galleries at Westminster Abbey; a quintessential Summer’s evening in the private gardens at Knole, very kindly hosted by Robert and Jane Sackville; a visit to the Royal Engineers Officers’ Mess and the Museum, providing a rare insight into the history of the Royal Engineers, thanks to Brig Nick Baveystock, one of our trustees; and a fascinating and informative walk around historic Rochester and many of its hidden treasures and gems.
We are hugely grateful to all those who support us in helping to realise our ambitious plans for preserving the building and enhancing Rochester Cathedral’s outreach programme.”