
During the month of February we are joining with the rest of the nation in the Archbishops of Canterbury and Yorks’ Call to Pray, Pause and Remember at 6pm each day.  As the number of coronavirus deaths continues to rise, we pause in humble supplication to God, for the sick, suffering, dying and bereaved of this and ever land, praying for release and recuperation. And we remember with sorrow, all those whom we love but see no longer, especially those who have been taken from us by Covid-19, but received into the merciful arms of our loving God.


The Archbishops have written to us all

We invite you to read the Archbishops’ letter here

Each day at 6pm there will be an opportunity to watch a brief video and join in prayer. Prayers will be posted here, but you can also join us on our Facebook page

Join us here at 6pm!