Rochester Cathedral

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Nicholas Clagett, Dean of Rochester 1723-1731

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To the Minister Of the Parish of In the Deanery of Good Brother,

In order to obtain a proper knowledge of the present State of my Diocese, which, I am sensible, I cannot have without the Assistance of my Reverend Brethren, I have sent you the following Queries, with vacant Spaces left for you to insert your Answers thereto. You will oblige me in sending as full and particular Answers as you can. I desire that this Paper, with the Answers inserted, may be return'd, sign'd by yourself, at my approaching Primary Visitation, and may be deliver'd either to the Register, or to my Secretary. And because it is possible that some Man's Answer in this Matter may be construed an Accusation of himself, I promise that no such Answer shall be used as Evidence against any Person subscribing.

I heartily recommend both yourself, and your Labours in the Church of GOD, to the Divine Father and Blessing, and am,

Reverend Sir,

Your very affectionate Brother


Queen's-Square, near the Park, Westminster, May 15. 1744.

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David Cleggett

Featured in The Friends of Rochester Cathedral Annual Report for 2014

18th century Rochester. A watercolour from the collection of David Cleggett.

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